Student Complaint Procedure

PurposeTo describe the complaint procedure for enrolled Red learning students.
 ScopeThis procedure applies to the following students who enrolled with Red Learning Certification program in respect of complaints made less than three months after the enrollment is completed: All enrolled students and their activities undertaken within or with members of the Red Learning Institute. Former students, students not currently enrolled and students previously enrolled, where the program forming the basis of the complaint occurred while they were a student of the red learning.
This procedure does not apply to the following types of complaints: Complaints about research activities and outputs, including, intellectual property and research misconductReviews of academic decisions related to the examination or other academic decisions for candidates. Complaints about any decision for which Red Learning Procedures provide an internal process for students to appeal the decision. Students should follow the appeal process detailed in the relevant Procedure. Once an appeal has been considered by the administration or entity specified in the relevant Procedure, the institute does not provide any further internal avenues of complaint or appeal. Complaints about the behavior of red learning staff which are legally required to be managed in accordance with relevant employment and/or enterprise agreements and associated red learning staff policies and procedures.
Outside ScopeThe Institute retains the discretion to investigate and determine complaints that are outside the Scope of this Procedure, where the allegations are serious and have or may impact upon the Red Learning Institute or reputation. Where the matter is outside of the scope of this Procedure, appropriate corrective action, reasonable directions, support services and referrals may be issued as appropriate by Red Learning Institute.

1. Principles

The Institute is committed to provide a fulfilling and rewarding learning experience that enables students to achieve their full academic potential. Feedback is welcomed as a mechanism for continuous improvement.

Wherever possible complaints will be resolved by a process of discussion, cooperation and, where appropriate, as soon as possible after an issue or situation has occurred. Complaints will be acknowledged and handled promptly. Complaints will be treated sensitively having due regard to procedural fairness and confidentiality.

2. Types of Complaint

There are different types of complaint within the scope of this procedure.

2.1 Complaints about academic decisions and matters

Students may make a complaint about academic decisions and matters where any of the following apply:

  • The matter has not been able to be resolved under the relevant institute policy or procedure
  • The complaint relates to a lack of procedural fairness or inconsistent application of University policy or procedure

2.2 Complaints about a person

Students may make a complaint relating to the behavior of:

  • Other students of the institute
  • Academic staff
  • Professional and technical staff
  • People external to the University with whom students interact as part of a program of study such as, but not limited to, work experience, industrial or other practicums

The behavior of red learning staff is governed by relevant employment and/or enterprise agreements and red learning staff policies and procedures. Where a complaint relates to behavior that is governed by one or more staff agreements, the complaint will not be investigated using this procedure, and will instead be managed in accordance with the relevant staff agreement(s).

Complaints under this category may include but are not limited to: ethical and integrity issues, conflict of interest, fraud, bribery, dishonesty, favoritism, discrimination, victimization, vilification, bullying and harassment.

2.3 Complaints about administration or process

Students may make a complaint relating to administrative issues or processes including complaints of mismanagement, unreasonable decisions, inconsistent application of institute policy or procedure, denial of procedural fairness, failure to provide rights, and incorrect advice leading to detriment.

3. How complaints are handled

In most circumstances, the institute follows a three-stage complaints-handling model:

Normal process: Resolving complaints through an informal process which aims to sort out complaints as quickly and as close to the source of the complaint as possible. This approach is generally considered suitable for straightforward issues or matters that are urgent but not serious.

Management process: If the complaints or issue is not sorted in normal process in an appropriate way. Management will take over the complaint to resolve the issue or complaint as soon as possible.

Appeal. A complaint may appeal a decision made by the student in the Higher Authority investigation on the grounds of lack of procedural fairness only. No appeal is available in respect of the substantive merits of the investigation.


The procedure is based on the following principles:

  • A student has the right to be accompanied by a colleague or friend at every stage of the formal procedure.
  • Any complaints, to become formal, must be made in writing as soon as possible
  • In all cases, reference to informal resolution in advance of formal complaint is recommended
  • All proceedings, whether informal or formal, should, so far as is practicable, remain confidential
  • A formal record of any hearing will be available to the student. The hearing will be recorded and a copy given to the student
  • The timescales set out may be extended with the agreement of the parties. Where more than one student has lodged a complaint relating to the same, or substantially the same, issue, the complaints may be dealt with together in the interests of fair and consistent decision-making.
  • Where a complaint concerns an apparently trivial issue the relevant staff member will discuss this informally with the student to determine whether there is a real need to pursue the matter through the complaints procedure.
  • If the student and member of staff are unable to agree, the student will be entitled to submit the complaint formally together with any further evidence or explanation that throws new light on it, and demonstrates that a substantive complaint is in fact being made.
  • If the student’s complaint restates a complaint that has been dealt with in the past, the student will be asked to explain how the new complaint differs from the previous one, and either what new incident has occurred or what new evidence has come to light. Where it is clear that there is nothing new being raised, the center can reject the complaint without a hearing or committee meeting.

Student complaint workflow

Your complaint
Supporting documents, Proofs

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